Phase 1: Login/Sign-Up Homepage
In 2019 I led design concepts for Scholastic Book Clubs which wanted to refresh their sign-in page. It was a combination of Login and heavy marketing.
Book Clubs is a direct-to-school marketplace that helps teachers earn “Bonus Points” to use for classroom supplies and free books for their students. The more families shop through Book Clubs, the more bonus points a teacher can earn to have a fully stocked and robust classroom library.
Homepage Phase 2: Taking Down the Wall
In January 2020, Business agreed to finally take down the sign-in “wall” that blocked potential customers from browsing the site freely. I was tasked with creating the new homepage concept while adhering to the original UI that was established during the major site redesign back in 2015.
The main goal was to allow our participating customers to easily sign in. The secondary goal was to entice potential customers with the benefits for teachers and product offerings.
The homepage had to contain a combination of our carefully curated products and a place for marketing to help educate potential customers about who we are and how the program works.
Our users are both teachers and families/parents, so in the not logged-in state, there had to be a more general message for both potential user segments.
We will officially launch this page in Sept. 2020 for back-to-school.
Product Detail Page
Probably one of the heaviest lifters of any site is the product detail Page. At Book Clubs, we have 3 different views of the PDP page. One for teachers, one for parents, and one for non-members (potential customers) where the price is hidden.
This is an example of the Parent view of the product detail page. The Teacher has the option to recommend and add to their class wishlist, which appears here for parent shoppers.
Teacher’s Dashboard
Teachers are the heart of our business. They are our lifeline and representatives. We work hard to give them the tools to help make their job as easy as possible. With Book Clubs, the teacher earns “Bonus Points” to help them get free books and other essentials for their classroom with every purchase by parents/families/students.
I led the redesign of the teacher dashboard was the main tool to help the teacher have an overview, organize, communicate, and set due dates.
The teacher’s dashboard experience is significantly different than the parent’s since their goals are vastly different than the families; administrative vs. eCommerce.
Set due dates for student order submission, emails sent from the teacher to parents, and example of the email the parent will receive, and creating a roster of family email addresses for teacher to communicate easily with the families.
Fading out the Teacher’s Desk
As we build out the more robust new Teacher’s homepage/landing page the need for a separate “Teacher’s Desk” section is becoming less necessary. Because the teacher’s are used to their tools being housed under the Teacher’s desk, and based on user feedback, we decided to take a slow approach to dissolving this section. Step by step we are simplifying and removing components of this section to either the new homepage/landing page, or into the “My Account” section.
Original Teacher’s Desk
Current slimmed down Version.
Historically Book Clubs has been shipping one box with both the entire class and teacher’s orders to the classroom. In 2020, when COVID struck, schools were shut down indefinitely, thus interrupting Book Clubs business model.
I led the initiative for both parents/students and teachers to ship their orders safely to their homes. Although the parent flow was pretty simple, the change drastically affected the teacher’s flow, and updates across multiple touchpoints had to be made.
Within the first 3 days of launch, there were 12K ship-to-home orders with a total revenue of $650K.